Thursday, December 9, 2010

Art Activity: Mural of Christ

We do not advertise or sell things on this site, but when I found this beautiful project for our family to make I knew I had to share it here.

It is a stunning mural of the nativity which is downloaded and printed off in about 35 pages, then pieced together and colored or painted by you. We will be creating our masterpiece as our family travels home to gather for Christmas. A great project we can all work on down to the very youngest. Kind of like doing a  puzzle together, only much more interactive and creative. The download is 5 dollars.

Happy coloring!


  1. Thanks for sharing these wonderful ideas. What a great resource it has been for me. I am using many of them this year! We are having our "shepherds night" tonight!

  2. hey I saw your blog in the news. congratulations that is fun. I told greg that were doing the shepherds night for christmas eve. you guys have so many great ideas I love this blog. almost as much as I love love you. keep up the incredible work you're making a big difference christmas

  3. MyHusbands name is craigy but appearantly my phone didnt understand me.
