Monday, November 7, 2011

Christ: The Real Gift of Christmas

Have you found this website yet?

It is an incredible resource for your Christmas preparations!

You may download beautiful Christmas music under the "Christmas Resources" tab.

OR you may want to share the Christmas Videos with your family.

There are coloring pages and tradition ideas as well.

Here is a video I enjoyed today. I love that President Monson says we should focus on people, not things. It's about love and giving, not the actual gifts.


  1. May I with all seriousness pose a question? What does Christ mean to you? Is He merely another great guy or is He the only incarnate Son and likeness of the Most High God? Not "like" God or made by Him, but indeed Himself God and the One true maker of all things created? In essence do you think Jesus is a creataed being? If so, then by definition He cannot be Eternal God. So where stand you? Is He "very God of very God" as it has been put? Or is He just another creature?

    "Kiss kthe Son,
    lest he be angry, and you perish in the way,
    for his wrath is quickly kindled.
    Blessed are all who take refuge in him." ~Psalm 2:12

    May Christ give us sight to see Him for Who He is.

  2. Jessica,

    Thank you so much for your questions. The following reflects my faith, as I've studied and learned from scriptures, prayed and pondered the words of my leaders in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I'd love to hear your thoughts, so please email me- alunt29ATgmailDOTcom

    I believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, the Son of God- God being the Eternal Father. His role, His mission, and His life did not begin with His birth in a stable, nor does it end with His death on the cross.

    Jesus is a distinct and separate being from Heavenly Father. The Father, Christ, and the Holy Ghost make up the God Head. All three are deity, but it is the Father who stands supreme as Eternal God. Heavenly Father is the creator of our spirits and under His direction a plan was established to enable His spirit children (us!) to gain bodies, experience and to progress to become like Him. In a grand council in heaven, Jesus stood and agreed to play a role that only He could fulfill in the plan. He would be the savior and redeemer, conquering sin and death, opening the gates that would allow us to return to our heavenly home.

    As part of this plan, the earth was created. Christ acted under God's direction, governing this creation. It was then necessary for Him to come to earth- performing the atonement by suffering in the garden of Gethsemane, dying on the cross, and then rising from the tomb.

    I know Christ is not just another man or even a great prophet. He is the only begotten Son of God. The celebration of His birth is more of a celebration of the hope and joy that His coming to the earth made possible. The acts that He would later perform in His life would impact human history forever.

    Jesus means everything to me. He is the foundation of my faith and the hope I have for the future. He lives, and as I've learned to turn to Him I've learned to call him not only master and savior, but also my friend.

    I'm so glad to meet you! Through your comment and reading through your blog. Please email me :)

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